Testing at the Kobukan Dojo

Testing in Aikido is a excellent way to focus, guide and deepen your training. However, testing is optional and it is important that you choose to test when you have had adequate time to prepare. Please be sure to begin your preparation with enough time for your own rate of development and growth. As the tests move up in rank, they require more and more outside preparation. For higher ranking tests, that often means months in advance.

You should feel free to talk with any instructor if you have any questions about testing. Test dates, requirements, schedules, and techniques are posted on the bulletin board in the dojo.

Optional Pre-Kyu tests: Students may choose or instructors may advise testing for a Pre-Kyu level. Pre-kyu tests will consist of a limited number of techniques from the full kyu testing techniques, as a way of making progress toward the full kyu level.

Student Testing Responsibilities

  • Submit your Intention to Test Form* by due date (n/a for 8th Kyu) to the Dojo Administrator.
  • Submit your Test Application* at least one week (7 days) prior to the test date to the Dojo Administrator.
  • Maintain accurate attendance records (there is a QR code posted in the dojo to update your attendance) and attend at least the minimum number of classes before testing.
  • Learn all test techniques “by heart” (test techniques are posted in the Kobukan dojo)
  • Incorporate form and technique corrections from instructors.
  • Train and test in a safe manner. If a partner is injured by a technique during the test, the testing people will not be allowed to pass.
  • Ensure that training and Aikido Byōdōkai Community fees are paid and up-to-date.

* Intention to Test and Test Application forms are kept at the Kobukan Dojo. Ask the Dojo Administrator or an Instructor if you cannot find the forms.

Testing Deadlines and Fees

Kyu Level
(belt color)
Deadline for intention to test formTesting Fee
8th (white)not required$15
Pre-7th (green)14 days (2 weeks) before test date$15
7th (green)14 days (2 weeks) before test date$20
Pre-6th (green)14 days (2 weeks) before test date$20
6th (green)14 days (2 weeks) before test date$25
Pre-5th (purple)21 days (3 weeks) before test date$25
5th (purple)21 days (3 weeks) before test date$30
Pre-4th (purple)21 days (3 weeks) before test date$30
4th (purple)21 days (3 weeks) before test date$35
Pre-3rd (brown)28 days (4 weeks) before test date$35
3rd (brown)28 days (4 weeks) before test date$45
Pre-2nd (brown)28 days (4 weeks) before test date$45
2nd (brown)28 days (4 weeks) before test date$65
Pre-1st (brown)42 days (6 weeks) before test date$65
1st (brown)42 days (6 weeks) before test date$95